Don't know anything... just feel down.....

It would be very pleased to get the call from your love.
A sudden call that tells MISS ME or free talk ....
No one would reject it, right?

However, I really hate to get your call now..
No reasons...

What makes you to call me is to tell me that you would be back late, ask me to sleep!
Once or twice a week, it is ok~
But if it happens almost every day, I will not be pleased to see your call.

Even when you are trying to be kind with me, ask me "how are you today?"
I feel that you are just doing your daily routine.

I don't ask for too much, I am not that difficult to be satisfied.
And you know what I like you to do. What makes me happy.

I want to be like other couples, be concerned, be cared.
But it seems only I put you at the first place, and I am just one of your accessories.

You said that you can always make up a time to talk to me.
But it seems just a saying.. doesn't last long...


I really thought about giving up many times. I don't want it anymore.
But I just compromise easily everytime.

What do I mean to you?
What does this relationship mean to you?



"I love you" isn't the sentence that be said much between us.
"I am sorry" is the sentences that be said the most between us.

How sarcasm it is!!!


So disappointed......................



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